Talk at Yale Macmillan Center
I gave a talk online April 9, 2024, for the Yale Macmillan Center’s European Studies Council in their series: Rethinking Democracy in and for the European Union. My talk was entitled “The Future of Democracy in the EU: From the Eurozone Crisis to the Covid 19 Crisis and Beyond.”

Power to the People Webinar #6
On Tuesday, February 22, I took part in a “Power to the People” webinar entitled Who decides in Europe? … For Farmers, Nature & Consumers?.

The Legacy of Discontent: A Transatlantic Perspective on Populism
I delivered this lecture on “The Rhetoric of Discontent” last Tuesday, December 5, at Boston University’s Rajen Kilachand Center.

Revitalizing EU Economic Governance
I recently contributed an op-ed to the Social Europe journal. A revised version of my policy brief for CESIfo in July, it delves into pressing issues of European economic governance, notably, the need for a permanent fiscal capacity and EU-level investment funds.

Comment on Immigration in Europe for US News
I was just cited in a US News story by Elliot Davis Jr. on immigration in Europe. The article, entitled “How Immigration Is Roiling Governments across Europe,” appeared on August 8, 2023.

Reform of the EU Economic Governance – Why and How?
I have just published a policy brief for the German Research Network and think-tank think-tank CESifo on how to reform EU Economic Governance for the better.

Law & Disorder: Understanding the French Protests
On July 14, I gave an interview on the French riots with the World Affairs Council of New Hampshire. I

Quoted in Bloomberg News
I was quoted in a July 2 Bloomberg News article by Tara Patel on the riots in France, in which I sought to explain the deep roots of the problem in terms of France’s approach to questions of poverty and inequality.

Interview on French Pension Reforms
I was interviewed recently by the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales (Mexican Council on Foreign Relations) about the ongoing protests in France.

New Directions for the Future of the EU
Earlier this week, I spoke on a keynote panel on “New Directions for the Future of the EU” at the UACES Annual Conference in the historic city of Lille, France.

I am delighted to have been ranked among Research.com‘s Top 1000 Scientists in the field of Law and Political science.

A Blueprint for Equality
On June 22, 2022, I took part in a panel discussion on “EU socio-economic governance for equal society in times of crisis” at the European Trade Union Institution (ETUI) and European Trade Union Confederation’s (ETUC) conference A Blueprint for Equality.

European Union Studies Association Award Ceremony
I was in Miami recently for the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Union Studies Association. I received an Honorable Mention for the Best Book Award 2019-2020 for my book, Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy: Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the Eurozone in a ceremony on May 20, 2022.