A Blueprint for Equality
On June 22, 2022, I took part in a panel discussion on “EU socio-economic governance for equal society in times of crisis” at the European Trade Union Institution (ETUI) and European Trade Union Confederation’s (ETUC) conference A Blueprint for Equality.
I was joined on the panel by Susanne Conze, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport, and Culture (EAC), European Commission; Silvia Rainone, Researcher, ETUI; Zane Rasnača, Senior Researcher, ETUI; and Zsolt Darvas, Senior Research Fellow, Corvinus University of Budapest.
In my presentation, I explored the impact of the COVID-19 recovery strategy on the potential reorientation of European Union (EU) economic governance and whether this leaves room to maneuver and implement progressive social reforms as well as increase the democratic legitimacy of the EU (in contrast to the Eurozone Crisis of 2011). In particular, I discussed the extent to which the adoption of the NextGenerationEU coincides with a truly transformative moment for European integration.
A full recording of the event can be viewed below.