Wake Up Europe: The US Is Dying and the New Is Yet to Be Born.
On Feb. 27, 2025, I gave a keynote presentation for The New Institute in Hamburg, a center for innovative thinking on the main challenges facing Europe and the world today.

Protecting Democracy in Europe: Webinar Recording with Dr. Tom Theuns
I was delighted to take part in an EU-VALUES Network event featuring Dr. Tom Theuns of Leiden University, who presented key insights from his latest book, Protecting Democracy in Europe. Theuns explores the critical challenges of safeguarding democracy in the EU, including the rise of autocracy, threats to pluralism, and the tensions shaping European governance.

European Economic Governance: Still Not Fit for Purpose?
On Nov. 20, I went to the University of Padua to give a talk for the seminar series of the Department of Political Science on economic governance in the EU, with a focus on the reform of the fiscal rules.

The Power of Ideas and Discursive Interactions
On November 7, 2024, I gave a talk at the Vienna University of Economics and Business on “The Power of Ideas and Discursive Interaction” for management faculty interested in applying my analytic framework of “Discursive Institutionalism” to management practice, and in particular to questions of sustainability management.

Events at the International Institute of Peace
I was at the Institute of International Peace in Vienna on Monday, November 11, recording a special podcast with on the implications of the Trump Presidency for Europe, Echoes Across the Atlantic: The Trump Election and Its Impact on Europe, and participating in a panel discussion on the election, America Votes, Europe Watches: The Future of Transatlantic Relations.

Talk at Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
On Monday, November 11, Jolyon Howorth and I were at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies for an in-house discussion of Trump’s victory and its implications. We posit that Europe is set to face a tough time, both politically and economically.

Presentation at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome
On October 23, 2024, I gave a presentation entitled ”Power and Legitimacy during Emergency Politics: A Democratic Audit of Responses to the Covid-19 Crisis” for the Research Seminar Series of the Department of Political Science at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome.

Is the EU Ready to Become a Political Adult?
I visited the island of Hydra in September to take part in the 18th European Seminar: “Is the EU Ready to Become a Political Adult?”

Europe in Discourse IV Conference in Athens
I was invited to Athens to deliver the keynote address for the Europe in Discourse IV Conference on September 26-27, 2024. My talk was titled “Europe’s Polycrisis in Discourse: Normative Challenges, Discursive Dynamics, and Political Dilemmas.”

Q & A in US News and World Report
I was interviewed recently by Elliott Davis Jr. for US News and World Report on French President Emmanuel Macron’s risky gamble in calling legislative elections.

Euro 50 Group Talk in Siena
I presented a talk on “Political Governance in the European Monetary Union” for the conference on the “25th Anniversary of the Euro: Past Achievements and Improvements ahead” organized by the Euro 50 Group.

Rules and Laws of European Economic Governance
On May 22, I gave a keynote for the workshop “Rules and Laws of European Economic Governance,” an international research event organized by the Centre de Recherche en Droit Public (CRDP) at Université de Montréal.

EU Economic Governance: Still Not Fit for Purpose
On May 14, I gave a presentation entitled “EU Economic Governance: Still not fit for Purpose” for the Axis on the Transformation of Capitalism of the European Studies Center at Sciences Po-Paris.

Power and Legitimacy during Emergency Politics
I have just come out with a research paper for the REGROUP Horizon 2020 project, which explores theoretical questions about legitimacy and the exercise of emergency powers during the Covid-19 pandemic in a number of domains.

Two Events in Brussels
I was in Brussels on April 30 for two events, one at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, and another at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Review of My Book
See the review of my 2020 book, Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy: Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the Eurozone, by Matthias M. Matthijs in Volume 35 of Critical Review.

My Election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
I have just been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, an extraordinary honor reserved for a very small number of highly accomplished leaders in their fields. I am greatly honored and of course delighted by the election.

Theorizing European Integration
I have just published a new article entitled: Theorizing European Integration: The Four Phases since Ernst Haas’ Original Contribution, which theorizes scholarly contributions to European integration.

Populist Agenda Setting
I published an article on populist agenda-setting, which was part of the basis for my retirement lecture in early December. Titled Populist Agenda Setting: Shaping the Narrative, Framing the Debate, Captivating the ‘People’, Upending the Mainstream, Capturing Power, the article appeared in Journal of European Public Policy, published online in December 2023.

Power and Legitimacy during Emergency Politics
I have just published a research paper on issues related to power and legitimacy during the emergency politics related to the Covid 19 pandemic: Power and legitimacy during emergency politics: a democratic audit of responses to the Covid-19 crisis.