Power and Legitimacy during Emergency Politics
I have just come out with a research paper for the REGROUP Horizon 2020 project, which explores theoretical questions about legitimacy and the exercise of emergency powers during the Covid-19 pandemic in a number of domains.

Theorizing European Integration
I have just published a new article entitled: Theorizing European Integration: The Four Phases since Ernst Haas’ Original Contribution, which theorizes scholarly contributions to European integration.

Populist Agenda Setting
I published an article on populist agenda-setting, which was part of the basis for my retirement lecture in early December. Titled Populist Agenda Setting: Shaping the Narrative, Framing the Debate, Captivating the ‘People’, Upending the Mainstream, Capturing Power, the article appeared in Journal of European Public Policy, published online in December 2023.

Power and Legitimacy during Emergency Politics
I have just published a research paper on issues related to power and legitimacy during the emergency politics related to the Covid 19 pandemic: Power and legitimacy during emergency politics: a democratic audit of responses to the Covid-19 crisis.

Revitalizing EU Economic Governance
I recently contributed an op-ed to the Social Europe journal. A revised version of my policy brief for CESIfo in July, it delves into pressing issues of European economic governance, notably, the need for a permanent fiscal capacity and EU-level investment funds.

Reform of the EU Economic Governance – Why and How?
I have just published a policy brief for the German Research Network and think-tank think-tank CESifo on how to reform EU Economic Governance for the better.

Ideas and Power in Employment Relations Studies
This co-authored article serves as the theoretical introduction to a symposium issue of the journal Industrial Relations.

European Economic Governance: Past Errors and Future Promises
A piece I wrote for the French journal Politique Étrangère, which is published by the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), appeared in the winter 2021 issue. It compares the problematic policies of the European Union during the Eurozone Crisis with the more promising responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Power of Ideas in Capitalism Transformations and the Democratic Backlash
On Friday, November 12, I gave an online talk entitled “The Power of Ideas in Capitalism Transformations and the Democratic Backlash.” My talk was based on a paper to be published in the journal Stato e Mercato for the 40th anniversary of the journal.

Social Europe: Decentralising and Democratising While Reforming European Economic Governance
In a recent piece for Social Europe, I make the case that the Conference on the Future of Europe needs to address how EU governance can be refitted to end the crisis of legitimacy.

The Dangers for Democracy from America’s Populist Drift
I wrote on the continuing dangers to democracy in the aftermath of the Trump election for the European Progressive Observatory of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies. The article was published Tuesday, November 10, 2020.

Between Power and Powerlessness in the Euro Zone Crisis and Thereafter
I have just published an article with Martin Carstensen, Associate Professor at Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, in the Journal of European Public Policy.

The EU responds to the coronavirus: déjà vu all over again?
See my latest article in Social Europe on why after a decade of harsh austerity programs EU must manifest real solidarity – muddling through will not do.

2010 Article Ranked Fifth in Web of Science Citation Index
An article that I wrote in 2010 was recently ranked fifth of all articles published in Political Science in the Web of Science citation index between 2010 and 2014 (out of a total of 29,881 articles).

How Do Progressives Fight Back Against Populism?
My thoughts on how the challenges facing the EU from populism, and how progressives can fight back, in particular by rethinking how to do with governance of the Euro and how to re-envision the EU.

The EU’s new white paper underlines why Europe needs to be more open to its citizens
At the start of March, the European Commission published a white paper ‘On the Future of Europe’. Matt Wood and I assess the Commission’s proposals, arguing that while the paper’s focus on differentiated integration is pragmatically useful under the current circumstances, this strategy could exacerbate distrust in the EU if it is not accompanied by greater accountability and transparency in decision-making.

European Democracy in a Parlous State
See my op-ed at The Cipher Brief on the state of European Democracy after Brexit.

Brexit and the EU: A New Deal for All the EU or No Deal at All?
I argue on the Governance Blog that only by seeing the Brexit vote as a wake-up call to reinvent the EU will the EU itself actually overcome the many challenges it faces.