Euro 50 Group Talk in Siena

I presented a talk on “Political Governance in the European Monetary Union” for the conference on the “25th Anniversary of the Euro: Past Achievements and Improvements Ahead” organized by the Euro 50 Group, a group of prominent policymakers, officials, and economists. The gathering was held on May 11-12 at the Villa Santa Colomba outside Siena at the Priory of the late Nobel Prize winner in economics Robert Mundell. My talk was mainly focused on the Euro’s “crisis of legitimacy” during the Eurozone crisis, how the EU remedied that situation temporarily with its response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the risks of returning to the status quo ante with the recent return to only slightly reformed, highly restrictive spending rules of the Eurozone.


Q & A in US News and World Report


Rules and Laws of European Economic Governance