Power to the People Webinar #6
On Tuesday, February 22, I took part in a “Power to the People” webinar entitled Who decides in Europe? … For Farmers, Nature & Consumers?. Over 1600 participants watched the conversation about the decision-making process in the European Union and how citizens, public interest groups, and civil society more generally can influence the policymaking process.
The webinar took place as part of a series of “Power to the People” webinars on participatory democracy in Europe.
My presentation on “How European Democracy works in Practice and Who Decides What—both formally and informally,” for Europe Calling www.europe-calling.de/en (Jan 22, 2024) can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/CvERX1-kmz8. The audio podcast is available here https://europecalling.podigee.io/b181-power-to-the-people-6-who-decides.