The Legacy of Discontent: A Transatlantic Perspective on Populism

I delivered this lecture on “The Rhetoric of Discontent” outlining my Boston University’s Rajen Kilachand Center on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. The event, hosted by the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and organized by the Center for the Study of Europe, was followed by a gala reception in celebration of my career at Boston University in view of my retirement at the end of this month. In her introduction to my lecture, following Pardee School Dean Scott Taylor’s welcome, CSE Director Kaija Schilde thanked me for my contributions to the study of Europe at BU and described her plan to establish the Vivien A. Schmidt library at the Pardee School of Global Studies. I was thrilled to see so many friends and colleagues - over 100 - on this very special occasion. Thank you to all who attended.


Power to the People Webinar #6


Revitalizing EU Economic Governance