Talking about Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy on Social Europe Podcast
I recently had the chance to discuss Europe’s crisis of legitimacy and the interrelationship between democratic legitimacy at the European level and the ongoing Eurozone crisis – the subject of my latest book, Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy: Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the Eurozone, on the Social Europe Podcast.
Reset DOC Dialogues on Civilizations
On Monday, November 26, I spoke on Italian television on a program sponsored by the Corriere della Sera in Milan entitled “Road to Recovery: Ever Closer Union o Convivenza forzata?”
Interview on Montenegrian TV Station Prva
Be sure to see my interview on the political TV show "Prva interview,” hosted by Andgela Sestovic, on the Montenegrian National TV station Prva. The interview was taped on October 21, 2020 and aired on November 4, 2020.
How Will a New German Government Tackle Issues Like Greece?
I was on CNBC Asia this evening talking about the German elections, possible coalitions, and the impact on the EU.
Comment on Chancellor Merkel’s Austerity Policy on German TV News (ARD)
On February 1, I was featured on German TV news in which I was asked to comment on Chancellor Merkel’s austerity policy. The segment was filmed by the German news program Tagesschau, which aired on the public service network ARD.
French Presidential Election 2012 in a Divided Europe
Jolyon Howorth and I were on "Sounds of Dissent" on WZBC 90.3 FM Boston on Saturday, May 5, 2012 discussing the run-off elections in France.
Thinking about the Eurozone as a Bar ...
David Brancaccio of American Public Media’s Marketplace Morning Report picks up on my remarks at Brown University’s Watson Institute conference on “The Failure of the Euro.”
The French Presidential Elections on China Radio International
On Thursday, April 19, 2012, I took part in an an hour-long discussion of the French presidential elections on China Radio International. Joining me were Jolyon Howorth, Professor of Political Science at Yale University, and Sebastien Ricci, a French journalist based in Beijing.
Vivien Schmidt on NPR's “On Point” with Tom Ashbrook
i appeared recently on an episode of NPR’s On Point with Tom Ashbrook - alongside Yanis Varoufakis, Naya Kotsira, and John Psaropoulos - to discuss the Greek debt crisis.