Talking about Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy on Social Europe Podcast

I recently had the chance to discuss Europe's crisis of legitimacy and the interrelationship between democratic legitimacy at the European level and the ongoing Eurozone crisis - the subject of my latest book, Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy: Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the Eurozone, on the Social Europe Podcast.

The podcast explores cutting-edge thinking on politics, economy and employment & labor with some of the most thought-provoking people around, including Nobel Prize winners and other internationally acclaimed experts. I talked about wavering trust in governing activities and authorities in the Eurozone and the different measures of governing legitimacy I use to gauge European Union actors’ legitimacy in the aftermath the Eurozone Crisis.  


#60 FEPS Talks: Democratic Legitimacy of EU Crisis Management


Quote in Wall Street Journal on EU's Covid-19 Recovery Fund