New Books on Europe Book Talk for University of Nantes

On May 27, I took part in a webinar dedicated to the the discussion of the new books on Europe organized by Arnauld LECLERC, the Télos, Ethos, Nomos de l’Europe (TEN Europa) Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Nantes (DCS). The topic of discussion was my new book, Europe's Crisis of Legitimacy : Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the Eurozone. Muriel ROUYER, Professor of political science at the University of Nantes (DCS) and Morgane DELORME, PhD student in political science at the University of Nantes (DCS) and in philosophy at the University of Montreal (CRE) joined the discussion.


Book Talk for LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome


Our European Future Book Launch