Interview for French Radio Station Nantes Euradio

I was interviewed on Thursday, May 25, 2021 by Sofia Pavannini of Nantes Euradio on legitimacy in Europe during the Eurozone crisis and Covid-19. I talked about my worry that at the start of the pandemic, when nothing was being done, that it was a déjà vu of the Eurozone crisis. But very quickly everything changed. The Commission invoked the escape clause so that states could spend as needed. The Next Generation EU plan wants to show that there is money for the next generation, for the ecological transition, for the digital transformation and also for inequalities. This is a new situation, but it is only temporary. Ultimately, the question is: will this become the new mode of governance of the European Union? Will this crisis be seen as the time to rethink the EU? This is the big question!


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