How to Overcome the EU’s Legitimacy Crisis?
On May 10, 2021, I took part in a webinar organized by the RECONNECT Horizon 2020 project—a four-year multidisciplinary research project on ‘Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and the Rule of Law’, aimed at understanding and providing solutions to the recent challenges faced by the European Union (EU).
The event begins with a presentation by RECONNECT partner Prof. Bernd Schlipphak (University of Münster), who summarizes the results from a survey among 12,000 citizens from six European countries on the ideal setting of the EU in the mind of European citizens. Based on these results, a panel of experts consisting of myself, Prof. Brigid Laffan (EUI, Florence), Prof. Michael Zürn (WZB, Berlin) discusses the implications for the wider prospects of EU reform. The webinar is moderated by RECONNECT partner Prof. Oliver Treib in collaboration with Dana S. Atzpodien (both from the University of Münster).