Talk at European Institute of the London School of Economics

On Friday, January 29, I gave a talk for the European Institute of the London School of Economics entitled: “EU Legitimacy and Member-State Politics: Lessons from the Eurozone and Coronavirus.”  The talk was part of a year long series—The European Union in Practice: Politics and Power in the Brussels System—that includes high level EU officials, politicians, and the occasional academic. 

In this innovative LSE seminar series, policy practitioners and commentators talk about their experience working in and with the EU institutions. The series is co chaired by two visiting professors in practice at the European Institute: Anthony Teasdale, Director General of the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) and former Special Adviser, FCO and HM Treasury; and Dr Martin Westlake, former Secretary General of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges.


Interview in Agenda Publica


Interview in De Groene