How Democracy Survives: The Crises of the Nation State
On Wednesday, November 28, I was thrilled to participate in the Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer Range Future symposium on How Democracy Survives: The Crises of the Nation State. I gave a talk entitled entitled “The Populist Challenge to Liberal Democracy in Europe and North America” as part of the panel, Democracy and Nationality.
On Friday, Nov. 30, I moderated a panel for the same conference entitled, The Future of Democratic Federalism.
The three-day virtual symposium featured leading scholars and activists from around the world, exploring how democratic values and institutions can evolve and adapt to the growing challenges that are now destabilizing democratic nation states, such as climate change, resurgent nationalism, ethnic and religious conflict, human rights abuses, and deepening levels of economic inequality. Video recordings will be available on the Pardee Center website in coming weeks.