Book Presentation at SASE 2020 Virtual Conference

On Saturday, July 18,  I presented my book, Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy:  Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the Eurozone,  for an “Author meets Critics” session at the 2020 – Virtual Conference: Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution. The event was originally scheduled to take place in Amsterdam.

My book examines the interrelationship between democratic legitimacy at the European level and the ongoing Eurozone crisis that began in 2010. Using the lens of democratic theory, it examines the crisis in terms of the policies, politics, and processes surrounding it, and the nature and interactions of elements that scholars and policy analysts tend to deal with separately. These include the political-economic structures and policies that contribute to the economic (output) performance, the political institutions and interactions that affect the (input) politics, and the governance rules and networks that make up the (throughput) processes. 

The session was moderated by Eleni Tsingou. Discussants were Cornel BanJohn W. CioffiAmandine Crespy, and Jonathan Zeitlin


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