Corona-Crisis: Views from across the Atlantic
On Tuesday, May 26, I was a speaker, along with Adam S. Posen (The Peterson Institute for International Economics) and Jeffry Frieden (Harvard University), at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) webinar “Corona-Crisis: Views from across the Atlantic” on the economic impact of the crisis and policy developments in the US and Europe. The panel discussion was moderated by wiiw economist Michael Landesmann.The panel addressed the following questions:
How does the unfolding Covid-19 crisis compare so far between the US and Europe?
How does the EMU/EU governance structure constrain monetary and fiscal responses compared to the US?
Which failures in policy can be/could have been avoided?
Which social and political outcomes do you expect on both sides of the Atlantic?
How will the US and European responses affect global economic and political relations?