European Democracy vs. National Democracy
On Friday, October 7, the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos in Lisbon, Portugal, hosted a conference—What Democracy?—to explore the lexicon of democracy. The eight sessions addressed such concepts as "demos", "political representation," "majority rule," public space," "pluralism," and "social justice." Participants included such internationally renowned speakers as Chantal Mouffe, Daniel Innerarity, and Felisbela Lopes.
I participated in a panel entitled "European Democracy vs. National Democracy" with Wolfgang Streeck, German economic sociologist and Emeritus Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne. The panel addressed the question, "Are we heading to a disintegration of the European or not?" The conversation focussed on the legitimacy of the EU, its credibility, and the consequences and solutions for the future.
A video of the session is available here:
[Watch the entire conference on YouTube.]