Vivien Schmidt in Hungarian Press

I was interviewed recently by the Hungarian news outlet HVG (World Economy Weekly) on Europe's refugee fears and populist responses to threat of terrorism on both sides of the Atlantic.

The interview was published in two parts on January 4 and on January 6.The interview appears to have been widely read in Hungary, as the number of comments on both publications suggest. Zsolt Bayer, a co-founder of Fidesz and a friend of Viktor Orbán referenced the interview in one of his recent pieces arguing that it is an emblematic example of a conspiracy between the so called Western professors and the so called journalists which exemplifies the European left's flawed way of thinking and the international leftist propaganda that tries to convince people that multiculturalism is something good.


Vivien Schmidt in El Español on “The Seven Challenges Facing Europe”


Vivien Schmidt Presentation on the Euro Crisis of Governance at Dublin European Institute